Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Has UK Anti-Discrimination Legislation Succeeded in Providing Equality Essay

Has UK Anti-Discrimination Legislation Succeeded in Providing Equality in Workplace - Essay Example 202-18). This paper discusses whether UK anti-discrimination legislation succeeded in providing equality for all in workplace or not in a concise and comprehensive way. This research is based on the premise that the implementation of the provisions of these laws on employment falls largely in the area of operation of professionals in human resources (HR). These professionals responsible for recruiting, selecting and perform other labour practices affecting the recruitment and retention of workers with and without disabilities. The purpose of this investigation has been to identify how HR professionals have responded to date to this legislation and what more can be done to support the critical role they play in minimizing discrimination against the disabled in workplaces. Sparrow (2000, pp. 202 18) mentions that workplace diversity appears to have a rather short history as a field in organisation studies if one locates its emergence only within contemporary scholarship. Issues that commonly fall within the study of workplace diversity have always existed. ... Yet, early conceptualisations of organisations were rooted in universalistic approaches that largely ignored race, ethnicity, gender, culture, sexuality, and other social identities. Race and gender in organisations gained some attention after the passage of equal employment legislation in the United States during the 1970s as well as in the UK (Sparrow, 2000, pp. 202 18). This work appeared under the rubric of women in management and in studies of the effects of affirmative action and workplace discrimination (Sisson, 1994, pp. 123-131). Substantive attention to workplace diversity in organisations is attributed primarily to the publication of Workforce 2000. This report forecasted a radical increase in the number of women and racial/ethnic minorities entering the United States workforce. It seems this forecast was largely on target although some changes in the profile of the workforce were unforeseen, including an increase in the number of workers with disabilities and growing religious diversity. Women constitute 48 percent of the United States workforce. By 2020, 32 percent of the US labour force is projected to be ethnic minorities, and four of every ten people entering the workforce from 1998 to 2008 will be members of minority groups. Hispanics are now the largest minority group in the United States, surpassing African Americans. Sisson (1994, pp. 123-131) urged organisations and decision-makers to identify ways to "manage" this growing diversity. Consequently, the field was initially practitioner-driven with scholarly attention lagging. Some would argue this accounts for the frequently lodged criticism that much of the literature on workforce diversity is atheoretical. However, in the last ten

Monday, October 28, 2019

Assessment Plan for Unit Cu697 Handle Mail Criteria 4.1 †5.2 Essay Example for Free

Assessment Plan for Unit Cu697 Handle Mail Criteria 4.1 – 5.2 Essay 4.1 At Proactive Personnel we always use Royal Mail to send out our mail our packages. The options we use to send out our outgoing mail are 1st class, 2nd class and special delivery. The way we are able to tell what mail needs to go 1st, 2nd or special delivery is by our employees placing the mail in the specific trays to which they need, where as special delivery is known by ‘rec’ been wrote on the mail. 4.2 The way our postage prices are worked out is by using the Royal Mail franking machine. We choose the option that we require for the mail, then we weigh the mail/package on the scale on the franking machine to which we are then given a price. Once this is done we simply place the mail under and the machine stamps the mail. If the mail is too big there are special stickers used which get stamped and stuck on the package. 4.3 At Proactive Personnel we do not require the use of a courier service. If we ever did need to use one there are numerous companies ranging from DHL to Fedex that we could use. If we had a large parcel that needed to be delivered we would pay for the company to come collect it and then deliver it to the destination. The cost involves the labour done by the driver, the fuel and the safety of the package. 4.4 This is covered in 4.1 4.5 This is covered in 4.2 4.6 When franking the post and handling the mail we do not record the post, however we do occasionally have to top up the franking machine. This is done by an internet connection set up to the bank account. Once the machine is topped up we make a receipt using the franking machine these are then stored, to which we can see how much was used in a period of time and compare them. 4.7 The post here at Proactive Personnel is sent and received daily the quantities vary. We usually send out the post nearer the end of the day depending on how much there is to stamp it can vary from one hour before to 15 minutes before the end of the day. Wednesday we usually send the payslips out, so there is a large quantity which usually takes a while. 5.1/5.2 During the process of the all above numerous problems can happen. The problems can be the franking machine running out of ink, a letter that has been left behind, post being stamped the wrong price.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Writing of Stephen King Essay -- Literature, Writers

Steven King has long been known as one of the greatest authors of all time. He has been labeled "the King of Horror" and won many awards including the Medal of Distinguished Contribution to American Letters, 6 Bram Stoker awards, 6 Horror Guild awards, 5 Locus Awards, 3 World Fantasy Awards (including a Lifetime Achievement Award in 2004), the 1996 O. Henry award, a Hugo Award in 1982 for the non-fiction Danse Macabre. He was given a Lifetime Achievement Award in 2003 by the Horror Writers' Association and, controversially, a Medal for Distinguished Contribution to American Letters from the National Book Foundation in 2003. Upon giving the Medal to King the National Book Foundation said, But to every comment there is always a critc that has something negative to say, like Harold Bloom for instance who stated, Another critic, from, wrote in a similar sense talking about how Kings works are to the point of being unpublishable. He states, My senior Creative Writing professor in college, a National Book Award winning author, brought into us during a lecture on basic prose and readability a chapter excerpt from Stephen King's newest book at the time, Cell, and without telling us who wrote it asked us to read it and discuss. None of us had read the book yet, because apparently a college education is enough to scare people away from second rate penny stock fiction. We hated it. We marked it up, took it apart, rewrote it, and more or less declared it unpublishable before our professor informed us that it was in the New York Times Bestseller list and had already made more money than all of our college loans combined. He also states that his writings are atrocious and that "the Uncle Scrooge-esque money vault that he s... ...s he commits. This fact is only reinforced when Norton discovers Andy's bible in the safe. On the inside of the cover Andy writes, "Dear Warden, you were right. Salvation lay within. Andy Dufresne." As Norton opens the bible to the book of Exodus it is revealed that the bible had held Andy's rock hammer. The book of Exodus lends itself to Andy's own freeing of himself and the truth as Moses freed himself and the slaves. King implements a certain belief in a holy spirit so that it brings into the book that not necessarily everything is in our hands. By using this and the previously mentioned reference to blasphemies, King relates the story back to the reader. He shows that the main character is not someone out of the ordinary but a normal average person. This is what makes his horror novels scary and his other novels almost real, as mentioned in the opening paragraphs.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Mericans :: World Literature Sandra Cisneros

In the short story "Mericans" by Sandra Cisneros, we appear to be reading about a small place in Mexico. The author uses many details in the story for us to visualize the cultural environment. The mix of Spanish words in the story such as, La Virgen de Guadalupe and la ofrenda give the sense of a different culture. The use of the awful grandmother kneeling at mass makes you visualize a specific heritage and cultural behavior. The word "barbarian" that the grandmother uses to describe the birthplace of the children, also points out cultural differences. It seems the author is trying to make us sense a native culture, and not to make assumptions based on physical characters. The "awful grandmother" (Cisneros p.30) is an example of a person in the story living in two cultural worlds, while she clings to her cultural heritage, she still doesn't want to accept the American culture of the children. The children, in the story, may look like Native Americans or Mexicans, but their main language is English. The children also use examples of American culture with the comic characters, "Flash Gordon" and "Ming the Merciless." The children in the story embrace more of the American culture than a native culture with the use of the comic characters. The little girl tends to struggle understanding her grandmothers cultural heritage, and it seems to take her quite a bit of effort doing it. The children seem to be content playing and carrying on without the bother of what the grandmother is doing, and they have no references to heroes of their native culture. The story tends to have a familiar setting to me, one that I am around, especially with the children running around and playing carefree. My grandmother is quite religious and she also does many of the things that the grandmother in the story does.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Recipe for a Perfect Party

So you need to plan a party. Where do you begin? Party planning involves many steps and is essential to being a good host or hostess. Parties can vary from theme, to size, to guests attending. Three major steps in any perfect party is choosing a date, creating a menu, and setting the atmosphere. Choosing a date is the first step in planning a party. For example, if you are planning a Christmas party, chances are your guests will have other parties to attend this time of year and you won’t want this to interfere with your party.This is also crucial as you need to make your invitations and RSVP’s to know when your guests will or will not be likely to attend. Ask your potential guests when would be the best time for them. This not only gathers information for your party but also relieves the stress in not knowing how much time you have to prepare, including creating a menu. The second step in planning a party is choosing and creating a menu. This can tie into the theme or main reason for your party I. e. : Christmas/New Year’s Eve, Birthday, Wedding etc.If your theme is Christmas/New Year’s you may want to go all out and have an expensive menu as opposed to a Birthday party where you may only want to have pot luck. Creating a menu also includes drinks- both hot and cold, desserts and finger foods. Often a key ingredient in parties, drinking allows your guests to socialize and get more acquainted with each other. Make things interesting by having a dessert table served buffet style. You may also want to use this serving style for serving finger foods, or drinks. This way guests can help themselves which may alleviate stress of serving food or beverages at specific times.Such foods/beverages that may be served buffet style may include Do-it-yourself cocktails, fresh fruits and vegetables- suitable for dips, cheese and crackers, or even a chocolate fountain. This is a simple but effective way in making your party a pleasant experience and can also be used in a variety of parties. The second element is whether you will be making the food yourself or hiring a caterer. If you are making the food yourself, take into consideration any dietary requirements of your guests. Are there any guests allergic to anything?Are any guests vegetarian? The last thing you want is someone getting sick or not having anything to eat thus leaving your guest(s) hungry. Also, recognize what time of day your party will be held in relation to the time the food will be served. For instance, if your party is to be held at 2:00pm you are not likely to serve a complete 3 course meal. The third step but not necessarily the final step in planning a perfect party is the creating your atmosphere. This is often the most time consuming step as it involves a variety of things, but can also be the most fun.Creativity is key in setting the perfect atmosphere. Location, music and decorations are covered in this step. Select a location that can be tied into y our theme. For example if you are having a winter or Christmas themed party, you may want to host your event at a skating rink. When selecting your location, ask if there are any features- which may be beneficial to your party, such as a sound/light system, dance floor or kitchen area. Most locations that are commonly used for this type of entertaining have some of these features.Music- a key component in parties- can set the mood for a memorable party. Keep things inexpensive by using your own CDs or songs. This saves money on renting a DJ or other music service and you also know what your getting which will help avoid disappointment. Create a song list that relates to your theme. If you are having a New Year’s Eve party, you may want to include the traditional â€Å"Auld Lang Syne† or other holiday related songs. You may also want to ask your guests which genre of music or artists they like.Be sure to include both fast and slow music- perfect for dancing! Decorations which are the finishing touch on any party, are a great way in showing off your creativity and ideas. These can vary both big and small, expensive or inexpensive. One easy way to decorate is making your own homemade decorations. For a Christmas party, use a Christmas ornament with your guests name on it as a place card. This doubles as a party favour. Other decorating ideas may include grouping together unscented candles of different heights and colors that suit your theme.This is perfect for some ambiance lighting, and it's also effective for those who have allergies-because there are no flowers or strong perfumes involved. If your party takes you outside, decorate the outside using simple but attractive white lights. Lights of any color, can be used any time of year and easily adds that festive feel. Among other decorations, offer your guests an area for photo opportunities such as a backdrop that may include a swing to sit on, a festive scene or, if available, something as simpl e as the scenery. This will allow for others to look back and appreciate your party long after it has ended.As you can see, party planning involves many details, options and time, and can be overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. Every party is different and there is no right or wrong way to plan but starting with these three simple steps, you are on your way to planning the perfect party of any theme or type, perfectly. You chose your date, created your menu, and decorated your venue. Also one of (if not) the most important steps in planning a perfect party is to do just that. Party! Have fun, relax and enjoy yourself! P. S- Leave the cleanup for tomorrow, you deserve it!

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Migrants vs. Refugees

Migrants vs. Refugees Migrants vs. Refugees Migrants vs. Refugees By Maeve Maddox A reader wonders about the use of these words in the media: Please explain the difference between migrants and refugees. The news has provided nonstop coverage of migrants flocking to Europe from the Middle East and northern Africa. It seems to me these people should be more accurately described as refugees. Why are they suddenly considered migrants? Applied to human beings, the word migrant has a basic meaning of â€Å"a person who moves temporarily or seasonally from place to place.† The noun is also used attributively, as in â€Å"migrant camps† and â€Å"migrant policies.† In the United States, the most common use of migrant is in the context of agricultural workers: Between one and three million migrant farm workers leave their homes every year to plant, cultivate, harvest, and pack fruits, vegetables and nuts in the U.S.    In Australia, the word migrant is commonly applied to immigrants who have come to make a permanent home in the country: Settlement services are intended to assist new migrants to participate as soon and as fully as possible in Australia s economy and society. A migrant chooses to leave home, but a refugee is forced to seek a place of safety elsewhere, often in a foreign country. People flee their homes for causes that include war, religious persecution, political troubles, and natural disaster. The earliest use of the word refugee in English was in reference to Protestants who fled France in the seventeenth century. In the media, the word migrant is sometimes used alone in reference to the hordes of people presently moving into Europe, but increasingly, the two words are used together: Tens of thousands of  migrants and refugees  have entered Germany in recent weeks after making arduous journeys through multiple countries. All of the people flooding into Europe from Syria and elsewhere are migrants, but not all are refugees according to the international legal definition. As defined by international law, a refugee is a person who has fled a country to escape war or persecution and can prove it. Refugees are entitled to basic protections as defined by a United Nations convention. Verified refugees cannot be sent back to countries where their lives would be in danger.   Migrants, on the other hand, move from one place to another for reasons that may be understandable, but are not sufficient to classify them as refugees. For example, some migrants are fleeing poverty. Others may have been living above poverty in their home countries, but decide to emigrate in search of better economic opportunities. Note: Although people fleeing the devastation of natural disasters are often referred to as refugees, they are not at present included in the international legal definition. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Misused Words category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:30 Religious Terms You Should KnowWhat's a Male Mistress?20 Names of Body Parts and Elements and Their Figurative Meanings

Monday, October 21, 2019

Gender roles in Shakespeares Twelfth Night Essays

Gender roles in Shakespeares Twelfth Night Essays Gender roles in Shakespeares Twelfth Night Paper Gender roles in Shakespeares Twelfth Night Paper Essay Topic: Twelfth Night Throughout the passage taken from Shakespearean Twelfth Night several themes both in correspondence and disparate from the often comedic tone of the play are prevalent. An interesting dynamic is immediately displayed in the passage through the relationship and dialogue between major and minor character. Viola, a predominant and strong character in the play, is engaging in dialogue with Antonio who although when analyses has complexity, is seemingly a minor character. This brings about the theme of power relationships and specifically gender within the comedic realm represented intricately in this passage. Viola carries and element of intrinsic power throughout the passage, evident in the stage direction offers Antonio money It may be seen that at the time Of publishing, possession Of means and value were majority reserved for males in the female subservient Elizabethan period. This is correspondent with a form of comedic absurdity, the ability to act as the opposite gender and toy with the idea of masculinity and femininity. This reflects back upon Violas androgyny and none gender binary throughout the rest of the text and is successfully represented in the chosen extract . The act of her offering money to Antonio whilst in a female state may be encompassing and reflecting her time as Cheerios, whereby she had power in a time of patriarchy. This gender fluidity frees Viola from the restraints of gendered labels and is further reinforced when Viola articulates l hate ingratitude more in a man this negation may be viewed as commonly attributed to men in a time of female demure attitude. : This also provides however, a contradictory dynamic as she refers to Antonio as sir as a marker of respect, showing in this particular time and space she is removing herself room any indication of being a man and is acting from a very much female perspective, indicating she moves freely between genders to suit her situation. This statement on her part of all the things she detests from males may also be viewed as comedic by the audience as they hold an awareness of Viola as Cheerios. Antonio antagonistically clings onto the idea of inherent masculinity, adopting a sense of fear when this is compromised Lest that it make me unsound a man. However from the very beginning of the text he is taking on a role subservient and lesser to Viola in his request to entreat of o some offbeat money In this instance a male is requesting means from a female, inverting the typical roles and challenging gender stereotypes. This gender dynamic rings true in a theatrical sense when the play is physically performed. Historically gender neutrality within casting was and continues to be commonplace within the theatrical dynamic, mirroring the dismissal of Gender r Twelfth gay Eleanor the act 01 he commonplace specific gender roles within the afore mentioned passage performance on stage. Viola is able to play about with the female interchangeability, at times in the passage acting n euphemism claiming my having is much and at others cacti emotion and a sense of prowess Ill make division of my implying that she is in the powerful decision making stand a feminine smokescreen to mask her true personality thro claiming lean and low ability This may be seen as maniple masking herself as truly meek and feminine. This particular an intricate relationship between actor and audience, Vic knowledge of Violas true capabilities and witty persona. Both in the physical and theatrical sense is also laced thro appearing in its immediacy in the first line of the text. It is scene opens with the Second Officer saying Come, sir, lea end of the passage Come sir I pray you go When perform would mean Antonio leaves the stage and Viola is left as TTL character if only for a short time. This once again reinforce power battle displayed within the extract. The use of abs enforces the dramatic and tragic element of the extract. C kindness and misery all evoke a sense of tragedy intertwine comedic realm. Tragedy is also particularly prevalent in Ar possible my deserts to you Can lack persuasion? Do not et This represents how within the realm of theatrics, a char aromatic lines can evoke diversity in response from the at this parameterized talk of misery would create an emote sympathy, whilst for others, hilarity would ensue. The extra represents how Shakespearean genius for comedy also Nell tragedy, evoking a cornucopia of reactions from the audio is performed in a physical sense. The line Oh heavens the Antonio particularly represents this. This outcry of a dram viewed as comedic in a theatrical dynamic evoking laughter pragmatically representing the tragedy felt by Antonio ant frustration at the hectic communication with Viola in this Antonio, at the end of the passage is once again asked to a further subservient position to Viola, reinforcing the stats character, with Viola much more prevalent than that of Ar length of utterances in the extract of each character are sis providing a substantial scope for interaction and thus intra how communication between Viola and Antonio develops conversation to transcending into a more dramatic and in the final instance of her speech in the extract.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

A Leader is Nothing Without His Followers Essays

A Leader is Nothing Without His Followers Essays A Leader is Nothing Without His Followers Essay A Leader is Nothing Without His Followers Essay In the June of 1941, Adolf Hitler commenced the killing of many Jews within Germany. Some would not sympathize with him and will say he is a heartless man. However, due to the fact that many Jews have been big business owners back then and have had many advantages over the rest of society. A marxist, whose theory states that â€Å"the workers(the poor, the proletariat) could overthrow the owners(the rich, the bourgeoisie)†(social class/marxist criticism), would feel a little bit more sympathetic towards Hitler for his action. Some marxist, can view Hitler’s action as a way of overthrowing the bourgeoisie. A similar situation, where the rich takes advantage of the poor, can be seen within Arthur Miller’s play, Death of a Salesman. A marxist will view Willy Loman, the protagonist of the play, as a victim of commercial success, which is unfair, distractive, and destructive. WIthin modern society, Donald Trump is regarded as a very successful business man, but for him to become successful he has cheated many companies and banks, just so that he can become successful. As seen in Miller’s play, Biff Loman and Willy Loman are used like objects by their bosses at some point in their lives. When Biff tries to go and borrow some money from his former boss, Bill Oliver, to start a business, Bill â€Å"didn’t remember who [Biff] was or anything†(Miller 81). As seen here Bill has used Biff in the past and now he does not even regard Biff as anything. Furthermore, Willy, whom works for Howard, has also been treated like an object by his boss. Willy’s â€Å"job is a job without pay†(Miller 74). Howard is not even willing to pay Willy, who has â€Å"put thirty-four years into [Howard’s firm]†(Miller 61). Howard’s action shows one that Willy is clearly being used as a stepping stone so that Howard and his firm can become successful. One must not take advantage of the poor and ignore them afterwards, as Willy describes, â€Å"you can’t eat

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 14

Management - Essay Example epartment should analyse and integrate the current processes and also the processes like recruitment, retention, employee development, leadership development, performance management systems, workforce planning, business culture etc. Recruitment is the process of placing right people at the right place at the right time whereas retention is the process of retaining the employees with the help of rewards and supporting systems. Employee development means the process of giving proper training to the employees whereas leadership development is the program for developing leadership skills among employees. Performance management systems collect the feedbacks about the employee performances and take appropriate strategies to sustain or improve it. Workforce planning is the effective utilization of the existing manpower and business culture is presenting a positive way of performing. Performance management systems are important both for the employer and the employee. If the employee feels that his performances were taken seriously by the organization, then he will improve his productivity and subsequently the organization will also benefit from that. A well defined performance management system may have elements of employee development, salary review, personal performance and business performance. Organizations can save a substantial amount of money retaining the employees and improving the performances of the employees. Talent management plan can also attract employees from outside also and more over it can help the organization in identifying the type of employees needed, areas needed to be improved and fine tuning of the business philosophies based on the changing trends. Thus both Performance Management System and Talent Management plan can work hand in hand to improve the overall productivity of an organization. The above article has strengthened my understanding about the necessity of performance management and talent management systems in organization. Even

Friday, October 18, 2019

Racism in Australia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 2

Racism in Australia - Essay Example A massive collection of literature now states publicly that Australia is post-colonial; however, it cannot yet be illustrated in this manner although it does have a number of post-colonial components. Ken Gelder and Jane Jacob’s modern ‘Uncanny Australia: Sacredness and Identity in a Postcolonial Nation’, for instance, conceives Australia as post-colonial and determines the current wave of racism as postcolonial racism. However, this conception will no do, for it represses understanding that Australia is in several manners still a colonial society (ibid, 98). The concept of postcolonial may submit to an analysis of colonial structures of power and discourse, or, when portraying a form of society, then to those previous colonies, such as Malaysia, India or Indonesia, that achieved political sovereignty after the Second World War. Yet in connection to migrant societies such as Australia and New Zealand there is no equivalent or definite instance of decolonization. From the perspective of the aforesaid postcolonial societies, Australia is, to borrow Theresa Millard words, â€Å"the last country in the region to be decolonized, the place where the story didn’t end happily, where the colonizers didn’t go home† (Docker & Fischer 2000, 32) Racism is a significant and yet wide-ranging societal dilemma. It has assumed specific forms in societies such as Australia and New Zealand, where substantial flow of immigration and the multicultural foundation of current immigration regulation has led to progressively more racially diverse populations. In the contemporary period, racism in Australia has been mainly talked about during the supposed race debates in the latter part of the twentieth century, related to the ascendance of Pauline Hanson and her One Nation Party. On the other hand, the investigation of racism in the 1990s has been pioneered by cultural

Climate change Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Climate change - Essay Example This includes storms and heavy rains that may further be associated with floods. The country also experiences high temperatures that increase incidences of illnesses, some of which may arise from moderated air conditions such as air pollution that arise from dust. Increased significance of air bone illnesses is an example of such effects of high temperatures in Oman. Extreme case, if not monitored, leads to death. High temperatures, especially if accompanied by water shortage because of drought, also leads to dehydration with reported death cases in extreme cases. Heavy rain that sometime occurs with storms and sometimes leads to floods is another extreme weather event in Oman and causes death and destruction of property. The heavy rains destroy shelter and expose people to risk of cold and physical contact with drops of rain that can be life threatening in extreme downpour conditions. Floods from heavy rains also submerge people and property to identify threats of suffocation to dea th. Cases of floods sweeping away people in their vehicles and causing deaths are also notable in the country. In addition to direct effects of high temperatures and heavy rains on people’s lives, Oman suffers from indirect effects through burden on food supply (McMichael, Woodruff and Hales 2006, p. 860). High temperatures and drought reduces plants and animals growth potentials and may kill them or reduce their production. This implies low level of food supply, has led to famine in some areas and increased food prices, conditions that reduces people’s quality of life based on affordability of food (Charabi 2010, p. 223, 224). The adverse weather conditions also moderate potentials of vectors and pathogens. This effect increases incidences of some diseases during high temperatures or heavy rain falls in Oman. Malaria is an example of diseases whose incidence rates rise in flooded areas in Oman because of the breeding ground that mosquitoes find in flooded areas. Cases of tick bone and schistosomiasis, which McMichael, Woodruff and Hales identify with adverse weather conditions, have also been reported in Oman as a result of high temperatures and heavy rains that result from global warming. Changes in ecosystems, together with rising sea levels from global warming have also had negative effects on plants and animals’ yields and reduced levels of harvest from fishing. These have further led to food shortages in Oman with consequences of nutritional concerns. These effects of global warming on the environment have also led to mass deaths of domestic animals, displacement of people from their residences, and increased levels of poverty and malnutrition, especially in rural areas and among poor communities (McMichael, Woodruff and Hales 2006, p. 860). Empirical studies, from a global perspective, support the observed effects of global warming in Oman. Death cases that arise from increased temperatures occur in countries that lie in similar lat itudes as Oman and the United States is an example. The studies have further reported cases of allergies such as asthma as consequences of increased temperatures and this is likely to have occurred in Oman. Effects of global warming on agriculture, however, remains the most significant, with quantifiable monetary value of incurred losses that translate to quality of human lives.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Business law questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Business law questions - Essay Example The first of these is the belief that the current trajectory of the economy and governmental spending models is unsustainable and will result in a crash of epic proportions once the currency loses its strength and/or a loss of faith within the monetary system is evidenced around the world. However, a secondary and more nuanced approach is that debt and budget deficits in and of themselves are not necessarily a bad thing; rather such an approach seeks to prove that as long as the economy is growing at a commensurately faster rate than is the national debt and budget deficits, then all is well. As a function of analyzing these two approaches and drawing a level of inference from them, this brief analysis will succinctly define both of these approaches and enumerate upon the strengths and weaknesses that both portend. Firstly, with regards to the pessimists approach that the current levels of debt and budget deficits are untenable, one can look to the contrary example of Japan and many other highly developed and wealthy nations around the world to give first hand evidence of the fact that high levels of sustained debt and budget deficits are not necessarily proof that the end of the economic system is soon to be realized. However, just because there are other nations in the world that sustain high levels of debt and continue to experience large yearly budget deficits should not be understood to mean that these factors do not have any effect at all on the overall economic strength of the system. Secondly, the alternative view supports the fact that debt and budget deficits are not necessarily a bad thing; especially considering the extant need that is exhibited within the current economy. Individuals that espouse this approach, such as Paul Krugman, believe that the government and the society at large exhibits a need that must be fulfilled during such difficult

Application for British Airway Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Application for British Airway - Essay Example This is because I have been able to acquire knowledge and skills in the fields of general management, strategic management, and corporate finance. I am particularly interested in joining the management and planning team which primairly determines the core competencies, strengths, weaknesses, and the needs of British Airways. I can surely be instrumental in shaping the strategic path of the organization with my hard-earned knowledge and skill in assessing the internal performance of the company as well as the external factors in its external environment, I believe that in landing a job, a potential employee must only be imbued with the technical skills needed for the position. One of the most important things to consider is the person's high level of motivation to excel in the field and his capacity to deal with diverse individual in the business organization. Joining British Airways has been one of my greatest dreams and I am highly passionate to aid in the company's success. I am highly motivated to excel in this career, wanting not just a mere position but with commitment and devotion, I would like to pursue growth and excellence. I believe that I will be able to stand the pressure of joining a diverse workforce because I am trained to be open-minded and respectful of individuals outside my color, culture, value, and opinion. 3.0. Application of My Skills In order to prove that I will be effective in my chose position, I will be giving a brief analysis of British Airway's current performance through the employment of strategic management tools. First, I will be focusing on the business organization's financial performance by a financial ratio analysis. Next, I will look at the company's internal and external environment by the identification of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Lastly, I will be offering a three-point plan on how British Airways can further improve its operations. 3.1. Financial Analysis In terms of financial performance, British Airways in can be assessed by looking at the firm's profitability, leverage, efficiency, liquidity, and investor ratios. In terms of profitability, British Airways reports increasing profit margins yet still lags behind its competitors like Ryanair and Thomsonfly (British Airways 2007). British Airway's resources are largely financed by riskier financing debt. The company enjoys higher liquidity enhancing the ability of the air carrier to pay off its immediate obligation by its current assets. The company also improves its efficiency by lessening the day its pays off its suppliers and collects from its customers. An investor is most likely be attracted by the escalating share price of British Airways but be put off by the zero dividend yield. 3.2. SWOT Analysis for British Airways I will now focus on the SWOT Analysis. In terms of strengths, British Airways has always been unmatched due to its mere size commanding strong brand equity, strong network presence, cost cutting efficiency, and customer loyalty (Datamonitor 2005).In terms of assets, the airline is regarded as the second largest in the

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Business law questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Business law questions - Essay Example The first of these is the belief that the current trajectory of the economy and governmental spending models is unsustainable and will result in a crash of epic proportions once the currency loses its strength and/or a loss of faith within the monetary system is evidenced around the world. However, a secondary and more nuanced approach is that debt and budget deficits in and of themselves are not necessarily a bad thing; rather such an approach seeks to prove that as long as the economy is growing at a commensurately faster rate than is the national debt and budget deficits, then all is well. As a function of analyzing these two approaches and drawing a level of inference from them, this brief analysis will succinctly define both of these approaches and enumerate upon the strengths and weaknesses that both portend. Firstly, with regards to the pessimists approach that the current levels of debt and budget deficits are untenable, one can look to the contrary example of Japan and many other highly developed and wealthy nations around the world to give first hand evidence of the fact that high levels of sustained debt and budget deficits are not necessarily proof that the end of the economic system is soon to be realized. However, just because there are other nations in the world that sustain high levels of debt and continue to experience large yearly budget deficits should not be understood to mean that these factors do not have any effect at all on the overall economic strength of the system. Secondly, the alternative view supports the fact that debt and budget deficits are not necessarily a bad thing; especially considering the extant need that is exhibited within the current economy. Individuals that espouse this approach, such as Paul Krugman, believe that the government and the society at large exhibits a need that must be fulfilled during such difficult

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

There are limitations, but financial and management accounting perform Essay

There are limitations, but financial and management accounting perform a fundamental role in the measurement of performance wit - Essay Example In this context, the performance measurement has been characterized as an activity of key value for organizations in different industrial sectors. The specific issue is examined in this paper; emphasis is given on the role of the financial and management accounting in performance measurement, as a key part of strategic decision process in modern organizations. It is concluded that both financial and management accounting are quite important for the successful development of performance measurement schemes – even if, in certain cases, the involvement of financial and management accounting in performance measurement causes delays in the completion of the relevant processes – under the terms presented below. Because of the above problem, a series of recommendations has been included in this study aiming to support the improvement of performance measurement systems. 2. Performance measurement in organizations 2.1 Performance measurement – description, role The use of performance measurement in modern organizations has been related to the achievement of specific organizational targets. Most commonly, the performance measurement is used a firm’s managers in order to evaluate whether the organizational activities manage to achieve a particular level of performance – as set by the planners of these activities. In this way, it will be possible to estimate if these activities have paid back the investment made on them or not. In practice, the performance measurement – as one of the firm’s key strategic processes – can be quite complex. This fact is reflected in the theories developed in the particular field – referring to the content, the role and the phases of performance measurement in modern organizations. At a first level, certain differentiations can be identified in the criteria used by theorists when having to define the performance measurement; however, a close examination of their views would lead to the assumption that they all emphasize on the value of performance measurement as a tool for estimating the achievement of organizational goals – including the risks involved. In accordance with Hatry (2006) the performance measurement can be defined as the ‘regular measurement of the results (outcomes) and efficiency of services or programs’ (Hatry 2006, p3). On the other hand, Meyer (2003) notes that the term ‘performance measurement’ can be explained using two different definitions: the dictionary definition, which focuses on the past, i.e. on the performance of the organization up to the time point when its performance is measured and the economic definition, which refers rather to the future, emphasizing on ‘the measurement of the shareholder value into the firm’ (Meyer 2003, p20). It is further explained that in the context of the dictionary definition ‘performance is measured by operational measures or current financial res ults’ (Meyer 2003, p20); on the other hand, the economic definition is based on the measurement of performance ‘using share prices’ (Meyer 2003, p20). Another definition of performance measurement is mentioned in the study of Harbour (1997); in the above study reference is made to the performance measurement as a method for ‘measuring work accomplishments and output’ (Harbour 1997, p7). At the next level, Epstein et al. (2006) emphasize on

Critiquing Internet Sources Essay Example for Free

Critiquing Internet Sources Essay The internet is filled with information. Podcasts, videos, and blogs are the most used forms of information on the internet. Three factors that need to be used when evaluating internet sources for use in research are authority, can the speaker be authenticated, and is he qualified to speak on the subject, accuracy, can the information be found in other credible sources, and currency is the information current or when was the last revision to the page? The topic is Elder Abuse, a blog, video, and podcast, have been evaluated pertaining to the subject to show the credibility and reliability of the sources. A blog is a website containing a writer’s or group of writers’ own experiences, observations, opinions, etc., and often having images and links to other websites (Oxford Dictionaries, 2015). The blog Elder Care and Technology is written by a group of writers’ in the Walton Law Firm. The blog explains in detail the impact of modern technology on Elder Abuse. The law firm based in San Diego, California specializes in court cases representing abused elders and their families. The Law firm can be authenticated and has been successful in prosecuting and retaining damages against nursing homes and personal care homes for years (Walton Law Firm, 2014). The blog does show some bias against people and organizations accused of elder abuse. The information in the blog is accurate and valid, because there are links to the law firm site that confirm the blog’s content. The information is current and applicable to the topic of Elder Abuse. A video is the recording, reproducing, or broadcasting of moving visual images (Oxford Dictionaries, 2015). The video Elder Abuse: the Crime of the Twenty-First Century, was produced by The Stein Institute for Research on Aging. The guest speaker is Deputy District Attorney of San Diego County; Paul Greenwood J.D. Attorney Greenwood has prosecuted over  four-hundred felony cases of Elder Abuse, both physic al and financial. The video gives a detailed explanation of what is being done in the state of California to combat Elder Abuse. The speaker is biased towards the prosecuting of those who mistreat the elderly. Attorney Greenwood is a valid source and the information he shares in the video is applicable to this research. The video shares information that can be found in other resources and is just one in a series offered by The Stein Institute for Research on Aging to show the new ideas that the state of California is implementing to fight elder abuse. District Attorney Greenwood is a credible source for information because of his background in the fight against elder abuse. The video is informative and the speaker is clear and concise in his reporting of the facts. A podcast is a digital audio file made available on the internet for downloading to a computer or portable media player, typically as a series, new installments of which can be received by subscribers automatically (Oxford Dictionaries, 201 5). The New York City Elder Abuse center has a series of podcasts about Elder Justice. The center was erected in 2009 to improve professional, organizational, and system responses to elder abuse (NYCEAC, 2013). The most current podcast in the aging series is Ageism, Elder Justice, and The Legacy Project, each podcast has a guest speaker and the speaker on this podcast is Professor Karl Pillemer, a noted author, Director of Bronfenbrenner’s Center for Translational Research, Hazel E. Reed Professor in the Department of Human Development, Professor of Gerontology in Medicine at the Weill Cornell Medical Center, and a collaborator on the Legacy Project (Cornell University, 2015). Professor Pillemer is an expert on the issues of the elderly, and his qualified to express his opinions though somewhat biased in favor of the elderly. He uses his bias in a way that expresses the deep concern for the elderly and their treatment, which tends to sway one to favor his arguments. The podcast is one in a series of valid podcasts and the information is easily applied to this research. The information can also be found in other credible sources on the internet. The information given in blogs, videos, and podcasts are great examples of web-based information. Web-based information has a major influence on how students gather information for research, global citizenship, and multicultural understanding. Web-based information helps develop intercultural literacies that students, parents,  educators, and leadership groups need to live and work as a diverse and globalized population. Web-based information gives the user awareness of the interconnectedness with people and environments around the globe (Department of Education, 2013). Web-based information is being infused in today’s global history classroom curriculum to enable students to have access to the global network of multimedia information while being engaged in self-directed learning activities (Scheidel, 2003). Web-based information influences the understanding of global citizenship and multicultural understanding, because people are able to put themselves in the position of the citizens of foreign countries, which helps them broaden their understanding of the different cultures that they meet right here in the United States, and helps us understand the complexities of ethnicity and culture (Hickling, 2012). Elder Abuse is a subject that has recently been raised by different organizations and advocates that fight for the elderly and their rights. The different blogs, videos, and podcasts, are ways that a researcher can find the relevant information they need to learn more about the subject and the policies being used to combat elder abuse. The internet is the leading source of information in society today. The information by way of blogs, videos, and podcasts are all perfect ways to get and exchange information. The credibility and relevance of the information should be easy to prove and sh ould always be authenticated when using these methods for research. References Ageism, Elder Justice The Legacy Project (April 22, 2014). Retrieved from: January10, 2015 Cornell University College of Human Ecology (2015). Karl Pillemer-Bio Retrieved from: January 11, 2015 Department of Education and Early Childhood Development Education for Global and Multicultural Citizenship: A Strategy for Victorian Government Schools 2009-2013. Retrieved from: January 11, 2015. Elder Abuse: The Crime of the Twenty-First Century? Research on Aging MAY 5, 2014 University of California Television (UCTV) Retrieved from: January 10, 2015. Elder Care and Technology By Walton Law Firm Hickling, F.W. (2012). Understanding Patients in Multicultural Settings: A Personal Reflection on Ethnicity and Culture in Clinical Practice. Ethnicity Health, 17(1/2), 203-216. Doi:10. 1080/ 13557858.2012 655266. Retrieved from: Ashford University Library, January 14, 2015. Oxford University Press (2015) Scheidet, R.A. (2003). Improving Student Achievement by Infusing a Web-Based Curriculum into Global History. Journal Of Research on Technology in Education. International Society for Technology in Education, 36(1), 77-94. Retrieved from: Ashford University Library, January 14, 2015.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Managing nasogastric tube feeding and maintaining nutrition

Managing nasogastric tube feeding and maintaining nutrition Health is defined by WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION(WHO) as a state of complete physical, mental and social well being and not merely the absence of any disease or infirmity. Health is a positive quality which emphasizing physical, social, intellectual, emotional and spiritual well-being. Maslows hierarchy theory states that basic human needs are necessary for human survival and health. The most basic or first level include physiological needs such as air, water and food. According to Maslow, the extent to which basic needs are met is a major factor determining persons level of health. Food is anything that can be used by the body to sustain growth and bodily processes and provides energy. Each individual food has its own unique set of nutrients that meet the varying requirements of the human body. This is why it is so important to eat a wide variety of food to ensure that the body gets all the diverse and essential nutrients. Nutrients are the components of food that help to nourish the body. The basic classes of nutrients are carbohydrates, lipids(fat),protein, vitamins, minerals and water. All nutrients, both in kind and amount ,are the cornerstone of good health and provides the cutting edge for prevention of diseases. These nutrients are supplied to the body cells by gastro intestinal system. This is accomplished through the process of ingestion(taking food),digestion(breakdown of food),absorption(transfer of food product into circulation). Good nutritional status refers to the intake of a well balanced diet that supplies all the essential nutrients in right proportion to meet the requirements of the body. Such a person may be said to be receiving optimum nutrition. Optimum nutritional status can be affected by many factors such as inadequate intake of food or consuming food which contains less nutrients, food habits and economic insufficiencies etc. In sickness the ability to eat and drink adequately can get altered. The disease affecting central nervous system, gastrointestinal system and some surgical conditions can alter the patients ability to take the food through the mouth. In these conditions patients are at high risk of under nourishment. There are artificial feeding methods available to keep the risk patients free from under nutrition through enteral and parenteral feeding. When gastro intestinal tract cannot be used for the ingestion, digestion and absorption of nutrients parenteral nutrition may be substituted. Parenteral nutrition refers to the administration of nutrients by a route other than the GI tract(Blood stream). When the gastro intestinal tract is functional but patient cannot be provided with high calorie supplements orally, tube feeding can be provided with nasogastric tube, nasointestinal tube, gastrostomy and jejunostomy. A nasogastric tube is commonly used for short term feeding problems, usually ordered for a patient who has a functional GI tract but unable to take any or enough oral nourishment. Nasogastric tube feeding is a technique of giving food in patients, who are not able to swallow the food through mouth, with the help of a long soft plastic tube which is inserted through the nose via throat directly into the stomach. The history of enteral feeding goes back about 3500 years back to the ancient Greeks Egyptians, who infused nutrient requirement solutions into the rectum to treat various bowel disorders. The ancient Egyptians used reeds and animal bladders to supply patients with a mix of wine, chicken broth and raw eggs. In 1793, an early healer delivered jelly, eggs, milk, sugar and wine to a patient through a hollow whale bone covered with eel skin, which was pushed down the throat to the stomach. In 1800, Philip Phisik, a surgeon from Philadelphia, introduced the use of a stomach tube as a form of stomach pump (Paine, 1934). This was used for poisoned patients for the purpose of washing out their stomach. In the 1930s, nurses training in Australia and the United Kingdom utilized a text entitled Modern Professional Nursing (Scott, c1930). It included discussion of using a tube inserted via the nose into the stomach, apparently for the sole occasional purpose of administering bolus artificial feeding. In addition to nutrition delivery in the 1930s, nasogatric tubes also were used to relieve pressure in the stomach caused by gas and gastrointestinal secretions (decompression). Today nasogastric tube feeding is a very common procedure seen in the medical and surgical units of the hospitals. The tube is made of superior plastics like polyethylene, polyvinyl or polyurethane (Clevenger Rodriguez, 1995).This tube is inserted through the nose or mouth and placed directly into the stomach. The need of tube feeding includes delivery of nutrition, administration of medicines, gastric irrigation, and gastric decompression before and after surgery or intestinal obstruction . Patients with nasogastric tubes currently receive care in a wide variety of settings, such as intensive medical and surgical care units, emergency rooms, , general and specialized acute and chronic care areas, extended health care facilities, and home care settings(Susan C Dewit,2006). . The feed provided through the nasogastric tube should be in liquid or semi-liquid form and given in room or body temperature. Blenderized foods from a normal diet or commercial formulas are usually provided. Feedings are administered by gravity drip method or by feeding pump or by intermittent feeding. A maximum amount of 300-400 ml of feed can be provided at a time delivered at an interval of 2-3 hrs depending upon the patients tolerance and physicians advice..A variety of feeds should be provided though nasogastric tube in order to ensure the optimum nutritional status. Caring of the patients receiving nasogastric tube feeding is a major nursing responsibility that entails a number of interventions like delivering feeds, assessing correct placement of the tube, maintaining the tubes patency, ensuring adequate nutrition, securing the tube in place, and meeting patient comfort and other basic needs. The weight of the patient should be checked daily and maintain an accurate intake and output record. Blood glucose level also should monitored at definite intervals. When the patient is in a long term feeding maintaining the nutrition and general health is an important and nurses responsibility. In order to maintain the nutritional status the nurse should calculate patients requirements and select diet accordingly. Emma L(1983) points out enteral feeding is associated with greater risk of complications, around 11.7%.Her study reveals that tube-related complications are common in patients receiving long-term home enteral nutrition. Even though different feeding modalities are available, unfortunately no method of enteral feeding is risk free. aspiration pneumonia, high gastric residuals ,constipation ,diarrhea, abdominal distention, vomiting, regurgitation, erosion of esophageal, nasal and oropharyngeal mucosa and infection are the complications of tube feeding. Initially only nurses were carried out this procedure .However, over years caregivers of the patient are also involved in feeding the patient through the tube. Now the responsibility of feeding the patient through the tube is shared by the caregivers both in hospital and home settings. Since the family members are also involved in feeding patients they should be instructed about feeding, importance of nutritious diet, signs and symptoms and importance of reporting them to the doctor or nurse. Ellet.M L, A. States enteral feeding is desirable because it allows better use of nutrients, is safer, and more cost effective than parenteral nutrition. Tube feeding permits maintenance of tissue metabolism even though patient cannot ingest anything through mouth. The potential advantage of tube feeding includes providing nourishment to the patient prolonging life and enhancing comfort and quality of life(WONG 2002).Current scenario shows enteral tube feeding is a common medical procedure in many of the hospital, long term and home care setting. NEED OF THE STUDY . Managing nasogastric tube feeding and maintaining the nutrition are a nurses responsibility. Initially only nurses were carried out this procedure but over years caregivers of the patient also shared the responsibility of feeding the patient through the tube .Now Family members are participating in feeding the patient through N.G Tube both hospital and home settings. Caregivers involving in feeding is a good aspect of patient care but when they are involved they should be properly trained and educated. But in many settings the caregivers are feeding the patient without proper understanding about it. Researcher also observed the faulty feeding techniques of the caregivers while he was working in the medical and surgical departments. Even though no complications were reported so far, the patients are at high risk of getting complications. STATEMENT A STUDY TO ASSESS THE EFFECTIVENESS OF STRUCTURED TEACHING ON KNOWLEDGE AND TECHNIQUES OF NASOGASTRIC TUBE FEEDING BY THE CAREGIVERS OF PATIENTS RECEIVING TUBE FEEDING IN A SELECTED HOSPITAL AT ALAPPUZHA,KERALA SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE 1)To assess and compare the level of knowledge regarding nasogastric feeding, between control and experimental group before and after intervention. .2)Assess and compare the degree of technique of nasogastric tube feeding between control and experimental group before and after intervention. 3)To associate the selected demographic variables(age, education, occupation and source of instruction) with knowledge and techniques of feeding among experimental group. AIM OF THE STUDY The aim of the study is to evaluate whether structured teaching about NG tube feeding made any difference in the knowledge and techniques of caregivers in feeding patients through nasogastric tube compared to those who did not receive the structured teaching. HYPOTHESIS There will be a significant difference between experimental and control group of caregivers with regard to the knowledge and technique of nasogastric tube feeding. SUB HYPOTHESIS H1-There will be a significant difference in the mean knowledge score on tube feeding among caregivers of the experimental and control group after the intervention and no significant difference before intervention. H2- There will be a significant difference in the scores of techniques of feeding between the control and experimental group after intervention and no difference before intervention. OPERATIONAL DEFINITION EFFECTIVENESS : In this study effectiveness refers to the knowledge gained by the caregiver as a result of selected aspect of nasogastric tube feeding and the ability to carry out the tube feeding with correct technique. KNOWLEDGE : knowledge refers to ideas, information, factual knowledge held by a person from various sources. In this study knowledge refers to the factual information gained by the participants regarding naogastric tube feeding through the teaching learning experience which is assessed by using structured interview schedule. TECHNIQUE Technique is the way of carrying out an activity step by step and systematically .In this study technique refers to the correct method of carrying out N.G Tube feeding with the proper application of scientific principles of tube feeding STRUCTURED TEACHING Structured teaching refers to planned events, series of studies lectures with a view to improve knowledge. In this study it refers to a formal instruction which is preplanned with definite, objectives, contents, teaching, learning experience and AV aids to impart essential knowledge on tube feeding and how to give feeding safely to the patients. CAREGIVERS Caregivers are the relatives of the patients who stay with the patient most of the time and participates in patient care including feeding patients through nasal tube and assume responsibilities in the patient care activities NASOGASTRIC TUBE FEEDING Naogastric tube feeding is a method of giving nourishment to patients who were not able to swallow the food through mouth by the help of along soft plastic tube which is inserted through the nose via throat directly into the stomach ASSUMPTIONS N.G Tube feeding is a very prevalent and common procedure in both inpatient and home settings. Patients relatives are also participating in feeding the patient. The relatives are carrying out the procedure with or without adequate knowledge, training, and supervision regarding nasogastric tube feeding and hence this leads to a lot of negative effects on the relative-dependent patient. LIMITATION The study is conducted in only one hospital. So the result cannot be generalized. Because of the restrictions from the hospital and due to limitations owing to age parameters, the sample may not be a representative one. For an education programme to be effective, continuous follow-up is essential. But in this instance, due to limited time availability, it may not be possible. DELIMITTION The study is delimited to, Three observations. Only one hospital. An age group of 20-60yrs. SCOPE OF STUDY Through this study the researcher can determine the knowledge and techniques of the caregivers about nasogastric tube feeding by assessing the awareness of tube feeding in different aspects. Areas of less knowledge can be focused. The understanding about the proper knowledge and technique of tube feeding will help them to provide feeding by using correct techniques , avoid potential complications and promote patients safety. These findings will help the health care providers to give necessary attention to provide adequate training to the relatives of the patients who need to feed through nasogastric tube both in home and hospital settings. RESEARCH FRAMEWORK A frame work is the building block of a theory, describing mental image of a phenomena which can be abstract or concrete. A theory is a set of interrelated concepts, adapted for a scientific purpose, definitions and propositions, that present a systematic view of phenomena by specifying relations among variables with the purpose of explaining predicting the phenomena (Kerlinger 1986). A conceptual framework provides structural foundation to the research study which provides rationale for predictions about relationship among the variables in the study. Conceptual framework forms the base for observations, definitions of concepts, research design, interpretation etc. Conceptual framework gives meaning to the problem and study findings by summarizing existing knowledge in field of inquiry and identifying linkage between concepts. For this study the Conceptual framework followed is nursing process model based on Dorothy.E.jhonsons behavioural system theory(1980).The study focus on assessing the effectiveness of providing structured teaching programme on the knowledge and techniques of nasogastric tube feeding among the caregivers of the patient. According to Jhonson, nursing views the individual as a set of interconnected or independent parts functioning as an integrated whole. Humans seek experiences that may disturb balance and require behavior modifications to re-establish balance. The behavioral system are essential and reflect adaptations that are successful. Jhonson identified seven sub systems. The sub systems are affiliative,aggressive,dependency,eliminative,ingestive,restorative and sexual. These sub systems carryout special function for the system as a whole. Disturbances in any subsystem usually affects the other. The steps of the nursing process is incorporated with Dorothy Jhonsons behavioural system model. Nursing process is a deliberate activity where the practice of nursing is performed in a systematic order. Dorothy Jhonson presents a three step nursing process. The steps are entitled nursing diagnosis which is parallel to the assessment and diagnostic phase ,the second step nursing goal equals the implement ation and third step is evaluation. This study focuses on the caregivers of the patient and the dependency subsystems. Assessment Assessment is the process of collecting data regarding each sub-system. In this study assessment was done in the dependency subsystem. Data on the demographic characteristics of the caregivers(age, sex, education, occupation, experience in feeding, instructions and source of instructions received on tube feeding) were collected. The knowledge of caregivers regarding various aspect of nasogastric tube feeding were assessed by an interview schedule and an observational Check list was used to assess the technique of feeding. Diagnosis Through assessment of the subsystem problems are identified and diagnosed which provide the basis for intervention. In this study the datas were collected through observational Check list and interview schedule was analyzed and the diagnosis was made on knowledge and technique of caregivers and categorized into excellent, good, average and poor. Nursing goals(planning) After diagnosis is made the goal is to maintain or restore the dependency subsystem balance and stability through planning interventions. In this study the goal was to improve the caregivers level of knowledge and technique of tube feeding. Intervention Nursing activity as an external regulatory force assists the person to regain equilibrium. Based on diagnosis, nursing actions can be planned in terms of teaching or providing resources needed. In this study the nursing activity was a structured teaching including demonstration on different aspects of tube feeding. Evaluation Evaluation refers to reassessment the subsystem which is identified as problematic for balance previously. In this study the investigator compared knowledge and technique of experimental group with control group by using criteria and evaluated the effectiveness of the intervention. Figure-1 High lights the conceptual framework on modified nursing process based on Dorothy.E.Jhonsons behavioural system model Implementation Evaluation No changes seen in the level of knowledge and technique. Patients at high risk of getting complications -Caregivers demonstrate improved levels of knowledge and techniques of feeding. -patient less risk of getting complications Control group -No teaching programmes. experimental group -A Structured teaching regarding ding different aspects of tube feeding and demonstration of the technique of tube feeding Assessment Diagnosis goal FIGURE 1. MODIFIED NURSING PROCESS BASED ON DOROTHY JHONSONS BEHAVIOURAL SYSTEM MODEL(1980) Improve the caregivers level of knowledge and technique of tube feeding Level of knowledge and techniques of tube feeding -excellent -good -average -poor Caregivers demographic variables -Age -Sex -Education -Occupation -Experience in feeding -instruction and supervision received -source of instruction -attitude -Lack of seriousness -Fear and anxiety

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Essay on Voltaire’s Candide: Use of Language -- Candide essays

Use of Language in Candide      Ã‚  Ã‚   A great philosopher Liebnitz once said that this is the best possible of all worlds. Voltaire disagrees. In Voltaire's Candide, the impartial narrator travels to distant lands and experiences a range of extremes. After having spent a great deal of time away from his homeland, and having seen more than most people see in a lifetime, the narrator is forced to conclude that this may not be the best possible world because of the reality of evil. Voltaire relates this point very effectively through his mastery of language and the choices he makes, both gramatically and content-related.    In one particular passage, Voltaire uses explicit diction, exaggerated details and manipulated syntax in order to contrast the optimist's romantic view of battle with the horrible reality that is war. Voltaire's grossly exaggerated details give a somewhat comical description of an otherwise horrible event.   "The cannons battered down about six thousand men", and then "the musket-fire removed...about nine or ten thousand" and finally, the bayonet kil... ...g his lifetime, Voltaire awakened people through his writing.   He masterfully chose his diction and details to show the contrast between the ridiculous ideas of the optimist and the truth that only the realist could see.   His choice of syntax leaves the reader with unforgettable images of war that will have a lasting effect.   Through his clever satire, Voltaire urges the reader to be more practical rather than happily ignorant.    Work Cited: Voltaire.   Candide.   Trans. Bair, Lowell.   New York: Bantam Books, 1988.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Character of Cassio in Shakespeares Othello :: GCSE English Literature Coursework

The Character of Cassio in Othello Cassio is a an expert in strategic procedures and Othello is a Moor general in charge of the Venetian army. Cassio works by Othello's side as the army's lieutenant. Cassio though very useful in the army's duties was a simple-minded man, unconscious of his surroundings and his actions. He told Iago, "I have very poor and unhappy brains for drinking. I could well wish courtesy would invent some other custom of entertainment." Yet, shortly after this statement Cassio finds himself in a state in which he is so drunk he ends up fighting with a Cyprus official. Their naive ways lead them through a storm, it swept away Othello as Iago stood and watched. Othello was an honored and trusted general. His character reflected the honor and respect that was given to him. In scene one Barbantio and Othello confront each other about the couple's love and marriage. Even as her own father's trust grew distant Othello stood faithful as he told Barbantio, "My life upon her faith!" Even though Othello trusted his wife he began to suspect her faithfulness, as Othello's confidant Iago poisoned his mind with thoughts of infidelity. Othello's character reminds me of Edmond Dantes. There seems to be a similarity in the sense that, Edmond's mind was pure and innocent, he didn't even suspect his own companions of betraying him. Edmond's mind continued free of cruel intentions until his mind's capacity began to expand and he soon learned who his real enemies were. Edmond's character changed. His entire life was altered with the help of his mentor. Othello didn't have the assistance of a teacher but he had the assistance of Iago. Trust was the key to their downfalls. Othello trusted without protection. When he trusted someone he depended fully on that individual and committed his life to the faithfulness of that person. He wore no armor against the dishonesty of the cruel and knew how to fight only in the physical realm. "I know Iago thy honesty and love doth mince this matter..."When the revelation came upon Edmond's life he sought out revenge. In the same manner Othello's heart and mind was purely focused on his wi fe, Desdemona. When the poison in his mind began to settle, Othello's trust for Desdemona grew distant and his innocence began to fade. "For I know thou art' full of love and honesty and weigh'st thy words before thou gives't them breath.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Consider the development Essay

The word sonnet is the English translation of the Italian word sonetto, a ‘little sound’ or ‘song’. A sonnet is a poem consisting of fourteen lines, ten syllables in English and Italian and generally twelve in French. There are three basic sonnet forms, the Petrarchan, which is an eight lined and a six lined (octave and sestet) sonnet with no rhyming couplet; the Spenserian, consisting of three quatrains and a couplet; finally the Shakespearian, consisting of three quatrains (four lines) and a couplet. There are different styles of sonnets all over the world. For example, France has its own unique structure that their sonneteers write in and the same with other countries. With all these different countries having different styles of writing that also means there are also different rhyming schemes. Reading sonnets is a great way of learning about different cultural aspects of life; for example during the seventeenth century the central theme of most sonnets was religion. During this time it gave people a great opportunity to learn about many different religions. The use of enjambment occurs in many sonnets. Enjambment is the running on of the thought from one line, couplet, or stanza to the next without a syntactical break The first sonneteer was Italian, his name was Francesco Petrarch. He was famous for a collection of Italian lyrics which include a long series of love poems. Petrarch wrote his poems about a lady called Laura, whom he met in a church. Laura became the central theme of his poetry. In total Petrarch wrote three hundred and sixty five sonnets. Petrarch’s poems were meant to convey his love and devotion to the love of his life Laura. Sonnets moved to England in the sixteenth century. The seventeenth century saw the theme of sonnets change from love to religion. Donne is a good example of a sonneteer of religion. For two-hundred years a minute amount of sonnets were written. This was because they fell out of fashion. However during the nineteenth century sonneteers began to write about the theme of the natural world. William Wordsworth wrote poems such as ‘Composed upon Westminster Bridge. ‘ War poetry became popular during the time of 1914-1918. This was because The First World War was happening at the time. War was on everybody’s mind. The Poetry was read to the soldiers going off to war to motivate and encourage the soldiers to fight for their families and country. The poem ‘Shall I Compare Thee’ written by William Shakespeare is about an unknown woman that Shakespeare compares to a summer’s day as summer is a picturesque time of year. The poem is written in the Shakespearian form. In the second line Shakespeare writes ‘Thou art more lovely and more temperate’ This quotation informs the reader that although she cannot be compared to a summer’s day as she is more than the beauty of summer. Shakespeare writes ‘Rough winds do shake the darling buds of Mai,’ this quotation is about the winds of summer; Shakespeare describes them as a type of rage. The woman could never be like summer as she is kind and caring. At the conclusion of the poem, (the rhyming couplet) Shakespeare writes ‘So long as men can breathe or eyes can see, So long lives this, and this gives life to thee. ‘ This quotation informs the reader that she may die. However she will stay alive through the poem. The poem ‘Composed Upon Westminster Bridge’ written in 1802 by William Wordsworth is about Wordsworth love of natural world and the city of London. The first line of the sonnet reads ‘Earth has not anything to show more fair. ‘ In this quotation Wordsworth is sitting on Westminster Bridge looking across the beautiful city of London and is besotted with the picturesque view and feels the world has nothing to compare to it. William Wordsworth writes ‘All bright and glittering in the smokeless air. ‘ This quotation informs the reader of the beautiful sunrise and how it glitters across the city. Wordsworth writes ‘The river glideth at his own sweet will. ‘ This quotation means that the Thames has many bends on its path through the city of London and has not got a straight journey like other rivers. Wordsworth metaphorically states that the river glides freely. This sonnet is very popular and was voted 24th most popular poem in 1998. The mood of the sonnet is uplifting. The poem ‘Death be not proud’ written by John Donne is about Donne’s personal interpretation of death. John Donne does not fear death; he does not see it as a bad aspect in life. Donne writes ‘Death, be not proud, though some have called thee mighty and dreadful, for thou art not so. ‘ This quotation informs the reader that some people may find death an awful, petrifying experience; however it is not, death is a new beginning. Donne writes ‘Thou’rt slave to fate, chance, kings and desperate men, and dost with poison, war and sickness dwell. ‘ This quotation informs the reader that in life bad things will happen such as diseases and devastation. The mood of this poem is low key and dark. Donne writes ‘One short sleep past, we wake eternally. ‘ This quotation informs the reader that after death our souls go to heaven and we awake eternally. John Donne was born in 1572 and died in 1631 at the age of 59. During Donne’s lifetime this would have been considered an old age to die. There was a short life expectancy during this period because of all the disease and drug taking. The poem ‘Peace’ written by Rupert Brooke is a war poem and it appealed to readers in the First World War as it informs them why their loved ones died in battle. Brooke was a very popular sonneteer as his poems would get the soldiers pumped up and ready for the gruesome activity that is war. Brooke encouraged people to be patriotic, to fight for their country and beliefs. Brook writes ‘Leave the sick hearts that honour could move. ‘ This quotation conveys the fact that there are masses of casualties in a war just as there were in World War One. The sonnet ‘The Vanity of his Passion’ written by Petrarch is addressed to his love, Laura. However he feels unreciprocated love. This could be for two reasons. Laura only exists in his mind or she is out of his league and could never fall in love with him. The sonnet is written in the first person; this is because Petrarch is expressing his love to Laura (There is a direct address to the lady). Petrarch uses many abstract nouns in his writing; he uses two in the title, vanity and passion. The reason for Petrarch using several abstract nouns is that it reflects the abstract nature of his love. Petrarch writes ‘Throughout my song, by hopes and vain grief’s bed;’ this quotation means that Petrarch recognises that he was vain ever to believe that she might ever love him. When Petrarch was younger he thought he was in love; he now realises what it means to be ‘in passion drowned;’ Petrarch writes ‘That worldly pleasure is a passing dream. ‘ This quotation informs that the love is short and can’t last. His love is like a dream. The mood of the poem is very desolate as Petrarch wants something he is unable to achieve. In conclusion the central sonnet theme has not changed in hundreds of years, many are still written today. As time has progressed different forms have been introduced such as the Spenserian and the Shakespearian. My favourite sonnet is ‘Shall I compare thee’ because Shakespeare uses many descriptive language associated with summer and his mysterious woman, this shows the depth of his love for her.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

A computer a course or a blessing

Examination Malpractice is the process of student cheating during exams. Like in impersonation. That is copying from other students that maybe sitting next to him/ her, coming into the exam hall with textbooks/notebooks in order to copy answers from them or students bringing in phones in order to check Google or they may have camera some words either from notebook or textbook. Laziness, many students nowadays find it very difficult to sit down and read for about 30 minutes or at least 1 hour but they choose to waste their time on nothing.Government has tried all the could in order to stop those students from cheating but many many students has prove that they are expert in this act thereby making the government look like fools in their very eyes. Examination bodies are invigilators that are been sent to schools to go and examine students during exams. It dose not necessarily mean WAGE, NECK, JAMB But it could be a normal school exam like 1st term, 2nd term or promotional exams which is 3rd term.What this examiners do are searching students before they enter the exam hall, check their seats one after the other. When I say searching seats, it means checking their seats, bodies like pockets, undermine in the case of girls, socks and sandal. School authorities/Administrators also try their best because they join there head together In order to find a lasting solution but It seems It's not working at all, All the same these three bodies are doing well. Sometimes, It may seem as if these three bodies are not doing anything But are doing their best.The truth of the matter Is that there some bad eggs that are also In this bodies, during exams Instead of Invigilating, they will be busy telling answers to some students to some, particular questions thereby making this set of students lazy and believing that whether they read or not they will still get answers which Is not good. Only solution to this evil act Is that students should cultivate the habit of reading. If I am asked to give my final opinion to curb this evil acts, I will say that those caught In this act should be put In Jail at lest 7 (seven years.Either the coacher or student caught so that It will serve as lessons to others who are also planning to engage In this evil acts. Students read your books to avoid being tempted and landing yourself Into trouble.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Human Resource Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 1

Human Resource Management - Essay Example This essay discusses that human resource management is significant to the organization in that it encourages people to perform very difficult and challenging duties. It is important to note that, every organization faces challenges. Experts are required to perform various tasks. However, a consideration into the future of the organization calls for it to train and develop various skills for any eventualities. It is worth noting that human resource management offers apprenticeship to the new employees. It is for this reason that, every organization recruits new brains. These resources however well learned, require to be trained to be acquainted with the organization’s policies and goals. Human resource management increases the rate of performance of the organization. Organizations warrant recognition for their performance and competence. This strives to increase the magnitude of the organization’s profitability An organization needs to set its goals and objectives to hel p it focus on their results. Training, education, and development of human resource spearhead an organization to meet these objectives. Development in an organization can be prompted by several reasons. It can be because of an organization desiring quality performance from its workers. Secondly, it can be a requirement by the government, trade, or labor unions or because of an observable need by the people in charge such as the supervisors with regard to the workers. It is done through various means including allowing the apprentice to examine carefully what others do, training from predecessors or experts, one on one interaction with the apprentice, guidance, provision of forms to fill in the difficulties experienced during the day and follow up of secondary written or audio tapes or through assignments. All these are geared towards obtaining strong employees to meet the needs of the organization and its clients. Every organization should engage in this area of human resource manag ement to achieve the desired results. For instance, the desire to retain the top position in education, made Berkeley Campus realize that they needed to train their employees. This would help them cope with the changes in this field and their desires for sustainability in the years to come. Development strategies The management at Berkeley campus realized that growth of the employees required concerted efforts of all stakeholders. This strategy ensures that every effort and activity within the institution supports workers growth. It looks into what the students and their parents can do to contribute to this matter. It also emphasizes the need to cooperate with the workers to ensure that what they learn is compatible to the job they do. The workers are also encouraged to follow the write ups that encourage employee development. These can be done through formal means such as production of weekly briefs, purchase of booklets dealing with the topic in question and also coming up with a library and equipping it with the necessary materials. Moreover, it focuses on the desire of the employees to grow. This can be induced or as a result drive. Berkeley campus needed to compete effectively in the education sector. They therefore came up with trainings to be undertaken. They include: i. Improvement in managerial skills ii. Job growth iii. Acquisition of elementary abilities iv. Technical knowhow v. Academic knowledge It is evident that employee training improves the output of the organization and those of the employees themselves. Improvement in managerial skills This skill involves equipping people in order for them to lead others. Not all employees in an organization perform menial jobs. Berkeley campus for instance, realized that there were

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Thiory and idiology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Thiory and idiology - Essay Example This paper will critically examine the specific changes that Anarchism and Marxism advocate for and in addition to this, the paper will also will also seek to contrast and compare what the resulting society might look like with respect to the application of the socio-economic and political characteristics that are advocated for by the Anarchism and Marxism. Marx argued that capitalism was essentially the most progressive economic system to have ever been developed and that it was an essential stage in the development of socialism. He is also noted to have attributed most of the ills that are prevalent in the contemporary society as having been brought about by capitalism1. According to Marx, capitalism had led to the development of an economic production mode that allows for the poor individuals to continue being poorer while the richer keep on getting even richer. He also believed that the profits of capitalism are taken from the amount that happens to be produced over and above the actual wage that is paid to the customer. In his book, Sargent point out that Marx was of the belief that the state was the tool that the dominant bourgeoisie class used in the suppression of any attempts by proletariat class to better themselves2. He also contended that as long as the bourgeoisie remained as the dominant class in society, the government w ould constantly remain as its tool and as such it could never be made responsive to the innate needs of other classes. Marx’s ultimate goal of full communism advocated for the development of a situation where there would be no state in a similar development to that promoted by anarchists3. Although its initial roots are traced back to classical Greece, of note is that anarchism emerged as a major modern ideology at about the same time as Marxism. The term anarchy is primarily used to denote a situation where there is no ruler or chief. Anarchists believe that classes

Monday, October 7, 2019

Managing Diversity in British Schools Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Managing Diversity in British Schools - Essay Example Instead of segregation they could be taught in conventional schools with teachers pointing their weak areas. The Government needs to provide resources to schools of the minorities and ensure that they do not undergo racial abuse by teachers and fellows. Therefore these boys seem to need special attention from their teachers and proper care, love and support from their parents which could be obtained by training. This paper intends to highlight the reporting of standards of achievement and behavior in British Schools while finding out the reasons for the problems of blacks in Britain face. Three articles taken from different sources were analyzed and the findings from those are given below. In this article, Trevor Phillips, the chairman of the Commission for Racial Equality, plans to deal with the under- achievement of the black students. It is known that there has been two times as many blacks in prison as there are studying in the university. In order to increase their achievement level it is believed that they should be taught separately from the white students and it is also essential to have parental support. He said that "The Windsor Fellowship", which is mainly for ethnic minority children, have mentored their students excellently that 100% of their students passed with good GCSE grades in London while 75% in Birmingham last year. Keith Va Keith Vaz, the Labour MP for Leicester East, criticized and fears that this would further enhance the segregation and lead to encouraging the feeling of being different. He says that the normal schools should provide additional help required by the failing minority students. Phillips believes that poverty is neither the reason for the poor performance of the black boys, nor white people regarding them as inferior. As their sisters perform well so does the Chinese and Indian students who also suffer from discrimination as perform far better than black boys. [7] Objectivity or Interest of the Writers The writer cares about the welfare of the students of the ethnic minorities and suggests ways of improving their educational achievements especially those of the black boys, who seem to be spending their lives in prison, mainly by segregating schools but believes that racial discrimination is not the reason for their poor performance. The writer believes that poverty is not the major reason behind the low achievement but it is actually under-employment which is the main reason. The black boy after graduation do not get job up to their capabilities which is seen by children and is believed that education is not the solution. Hence they indulge in crime which seems manlier than education. [6] The major reason for the black boys performing low is the racial abuse in the schools which needs to be stopped as it results not only in poor results but dropping out of schools. This eventually leads them to commit illegal act like robbery and drug trafficking. Hence every student should be welcomed and diversity should be accepted in schools especially by the white teachers and students. [4] The minorities and blacks students must have seen their parents work so hard and their employer's under-utilizing their skills, leaving them to dwell in poverty. Hence it leaves an impression on

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Constructivism and post-structuralism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Constructivism and post-structuralism - Essay Example Definitions of constructivism frequently stress the dual character of social and material world. Social constructions, in this conceptualisation, must refer back to and hook up with a pre-existing materiality. Adler argues that the material world shapes human interaction and vice versa. Jeffrey Checkel says that 'the environment in which agents/states take action is social as well as material'. These descriptions invoke a duality of the social and the material and thereby claim an existence independent of representations for the material realm. Peter Katzenstein, Robert Keohane and Stephen Krasner stress that constructivists insist 'on the primacy of intersubjective structures that give the material world meaning'. This takes us on to a second key element of constructivism, namely intersubjectivity. According to Adler, constructivism's 'importance and its added value for the study of International Relations lie mainly in its emphasis on the ontological reality of intersubjective know ledge and on the epistemological and methodological implications of this reality'. He devotes an entire section to elucidating intersubjectivity as collectively shared knowledge which both empowers and constrains actors and also defines social reality. The upshot of Adler's portrayal of constructivism is, as the title of his article suggests, that it has a justifiable claim to the 'middle ground', which he construes as situated between rationalism and poststructuralism. Adler identifies 'seizing the middle ground' as the key.

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Social Marketing Assignment 2 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Social Marketing 2 - Assignment Example There is need to sensitise the population about the need to seek professional medical services and also avail the services to the people (Lee & Kotler 2011). The campaign will be targeting various stakeholders who can be involved in delivering the communication and the services within the programme. The campaign will be seeking to sensitise the aboriginals on the need for seeking professional medical assistance when faced with health complications (Neiger et al. 2003). This campaign’s objective will be achieved through ensuring the active participation of the various groups of people being targeted by the campaign. The targets will include the following The fundamental focus of the campaign will be on the change of behaviour among the aboriginals to begin using healthcare facilities rather than relying on their traditional medicine in the treatment of various ailments. A change in the behaviour will be initiated by the campaigns which will be sensitising the people on the importance of visiting healthcare facilities (Lefebvre 2011). The campaign will be aimed at educating the people on the importance of depending on the professional healthcare services offered at institutions. The target groups will be informed through the media and direct communication delivered through social organisations providing other services to the community. The application of these methods will ensure that the target populations are reached by the campaign message in order to achieve the objectives of the campaign. Freedom from diseases will be the name of the campaign which will be undertaken in seeking to achieve the objectives that have been defined within the plan. This name of the campaign will be communicating the target for the whole campaign as well as the benefits which people will be getting from the product. Active involvement will be leading people

Friday, October 4, 2019

Tiny toes ltd.How to start quality child care business Essay Example for Free

Tiny toes ltd.How to start quality child care business Essay Tiny toes ltd Introduction Importance of having accurate financial information in decision-making                   In the Tiny toes ltd, Sandra has no accuracy on the financial information. This makes the planning of the new projects of the new nursery and running of the business she has more difficult. Sandra needs to come up with accurate financial information on the finances of the business. It will help her have valuable data on the financial position of her company. It will also enable her determine its weaknesses and strength that intern assist her in evaluating the amount of capital needed to plan or start a new business (Way, 2014, n. p.). Apart from that, accurate financial information will help to maintain accuracy of taxes and ensure that additional duties imposed on the Tiny toes ltd are paid.                   Accurate financial information provides clear statement to investors in evaluating the business financial performance. By this communication will be available to the interested parties who want to contribute to the new projects of Sandra’s business. It will give them an easy way to determine accurate amount needed to finance the project completely. The investors and the contributors of the business rely on the accurate financial information for the safety and profitability of their investments (Way, 2014, n.p.). In the plan of starting a new business, she has to lay down the statements of finances for the budget needed like indentifying all income and expenses for the entire organization. She has to establish the time and period the budget will last and the capital required. By coming up with all this accurate financial information of Tiny toes ltd, she will able to access information on the past performance and the capital they have in hand. This will help to switch to another alternative incase a problem emerges in planning a new project.                   Consequently accurate financial information will help the banks and lenders to know if her business will be able to pay for the loan borrowed to avoid misfortunes in future (Way, 2014, n.p.). Apart from that, it will prevent the banks and lenders from stopping their support on her business through loans. Balance sheet is also part of financial information. Sandra needs to generate a balance sheet that will assess her business annually. The balance sheet will help determine the financial health of Tiny toes ltd. It will also help her have information on the productivity of the business and amount of capital that is retained. However, it will provide information on the flow of the business in terms of how fast or slow the assets are and how to convert them into capital. Tiny toes will be able to determine financial state they are in a specific time. With all the details of the financial information Sandra’s business will have a clear understanding o n how to come up with other new projects and how they will flourish.                   The benefits of Tiny toes having accurate cash flow in beginning a new nursery in GuildfordBusiness plans and cash flow also plays a big role on the progress of a business. This is what need to be initiated in Sandra’s a business to help the executives in the internal planning. The business plan will help in the application of loans and even borrow money from other lenders (Wasserman, 2010, p. 1) to support the projects. Lack of business plan in her business may lead to the downfall of Tiny toes ltd. By the business plan ahead, she will be able to identify the goals and objectives needed for the company to achieve its dream. However it will also help her determine the services needed to deliver in her project in Guildford. Provision of business plan for Tiny toes ltd will help to display the performance of her business and the goals ahead to start a new nursery and childcare centre.                   Another big role that the business plan plays is it reorganizes the business by making operational changes like reduction of expenses (Wasserman, 2010 n.p.). Nevertheless, it helps in the equity financing whereby banks and lenders are able to evaluate her business ability to take more loans if in need. As to cash flow, Sandra needs it to track and know the exchange of cash between Tiny toes and outside the business. The cash flow need to be done according to weekly and monthly basis to help monitor the flow of expenses and revenue. The cash flow is also important since it provides information on certain activities to notify Sandra so that she can know the impending danger in the business. In order to come up with accurate cash flow she should include aspects like cash receipts.                   The cash receipts include loans, private sources, fundraising and parents’ fees. However disbursement need to be included in the cash flow to provide information such as payroll expenses, supplies, maintenance, accounting and rent. All this details in the cash flow will help in calculating how much the company is making and if the profit incurred will help fund her new projects. Cash flow also helps in determining the changes in income and the balance sheet. The cash flow that Sandra needs, should be in different categories that is; operating activities, investigating, supplementary and financial activities (The globe mail, 2013, n.p). The investment cash flow will help determine changes on the long-term investment on the new nursery and childcare centre. It will also enable determine the rent needed in Guilford. Financial cash flow brings changes on stock needed and the payments needed for the interests of the shareholder.                   The operating cash on the other hand will enable Sandra view the records on the budget needed for starting a new business. All this shows how cash flow is very important in a business. It acts as a warning by identifying shortfalls in cash balances. It also helps in preparing budgets and helps sport payments problems by parents in the tiny toes business. If it is initiated in Tiny toes, Sandra will be able to know how her business generates profits and spends capital. It will also help her determine the technology improvements required in the new project of nursery and childcare centre. The business plan will help in good management her business. It will also help Sandra decide in her business whether to rent a new space in Guilford or not and initiates discussion of the objectives with the employees, partners and investors of her business. Problems and financial information that Sandra has to prepare and additional information needed to make a right decision                   The financial information of Sandra regarding Tiny toes and new projects of a new nursery and childcare centre is incomplete. In her information she only states the insurance, rent, rates, recruitment training, loans, wages, fixed prices and monthly charged price. She has left out the budget which is a very important thing in starting a new project. She has to come up with organizational and program budgets. Organizational budgets should indicate the income and expenses in Tiny toes ltd for a certain period of time (Child care center, 2009, p. 14). It should also show the anticipated expenses and income of the company since she wants to develop a childcare center.                   Sandra should give details of her budget in the way that it shows the expenses needed to start a new project of childcare center. It should also analyze expenses of each child according to time and the first class services offered to children from wealthy families. This will help in tracking the costs since everything is evaluated separately. In her information, she should state the time and period the budget will cover to determine amount required for it. Another thing that is not included in her financial statement is the report of the planner who will be in charge of monitoring the new business she wants to start. However, she has also skipped the aspect of licensing. Licensing may have many expenses that need high rate of funding (Mississippi, 2011, p. 11). It may include aspects such as safety codes and health care expenses because Medical examining is required for both the staff employed and children when dealing with a childcare center.                   Expenses for things like fire regulators also need to be included since they are the first priorities in her business to enhance safety. In her information she has only left out little details that seem to be not costly. When all of these little costs are put together they form a large expense that requires more help from the capital sector. By including all the details and coming up with an accurate financial information she will come up with her projects in a more efficient way. There will be no extra expense that will, destruct her planning. It will also help lenders and investors have clear information on the amount needed to fund the new projects. Problems experienced by Tiny toes in trying to generate internal finance in form of retained business                   Tiny toes have problems in generating internal finance due to the emerging competition which is increasing. The competitors that have nurseries provide the same services that Sandra’s company does. Their fees is less costly and due to that it poses a high risk to the progress of Tiny toes ltd. They are able to generate more capital than tiny toes and expand their services as compared to Sandra as a result of less cost. Due to this parents tend to take children to the competitors nursery than in Tiny toes ltd. Apart from that, Tiny toes will be forced to cut some costs that will drive away the staff and also students due lack of quality services.                   Lack of accurate financial information makes it difficult for her business to come up with a budget. However, a lot of capital is lost in things that are not necessary. Sandra’s business lacks plan and this is what destroys its capability to generate internal finance. Business plan is very important since investors are not able to invest in a business due to lack of clear information inform of cash-flow contained in it. This is the main things that that help in planning. Through business planning the Tiny toes will be able to understand how much profits the business will make and children needed in order to achieve more profits. This are the things that Sandra need to keep in mind in order to generate expand her business. Problems that Toes will encounter in the development of new projects                   Tiny toes will encounter problems in financial sector in the new project. This is due to high rent in Guildford and also adding more services only to capture the wealthy business may will bring loss to the business. In her projects she expands her business only to capture children who come from wealthy families. This shows they are not able to generate more internal profit. Tiny toes ltd does not expand its market share to capture children who come from at least less wealthy families. Relying on only one market share lowers the performance of the business especially in the financial aspect leading to low profit. Apart from that, tiny toes do not have accurate financial information. This shows that Sandra does not have information on the position of the business financially.                   In order for the Sandra’s business to prosper and generate more profit. She needs to expand her business by reflecting on both markets. She should focus on both wealthy and poor people. She needs also to keep in mind of the accurate financial information, business plan and cash flows in running the nursery and child care centers. She should also be aware of the competitors by coming up with more efficient plans that will make her secure her business and acquire a more large market share. Regarding the new projects she needs to take it slow by focusing on one project at a time. Focusing on both projects will lead to the downfall of her business since it will require a large amount of capital. Putting all this into consideration she will be able to plan other projects. Concentrating on one project at a time may save a company from bankruptcy. References Child care center (2009) financial planning and facilities development manual. Retrieved on 4th December 2014. Mississippi (2011). How to start quality child care business. Retrieved on 4th December 2014. The globe and mail.(2013). The importance of operating cash flow for small business. Retrieved on 4th December 2014. Wasserman ,E.(2010). How to write the financial section of a business plan. Retrieved on 4th December 2014. Way,J. (2014). What is the importance of financial statements. Retrieved on 4th December 2014. Source document