Wednesday, May 6, 2020

An Interview With The Business Owner Of Merit Decorating...

On Saturday, October 10th, 2015, an interview was conducted with the business owner of Merit Decorating Centre, Tony Malatesta, through e-mail communication. Mr. Malatesta first opened Merit Decorating Centre in 1984. In his early years of business operations, he focused on selling paint and flooring products. From being solely responsible for buying-selling quotes to dealing with individual clients, the business became established and gradually expanded to include 12 employees, where tasks were eventually delegated. Now for him to accommodate the growing demand of the home renovation market, the business sells an assortment of products to meet each individual’s decorating needs. Before becoming an entrepreneur, Mr. Malatesta worked as a part-time sales associate after high school for a business in a similar industry selling a variety of decorating products. From there he gained his experience in selling and realized that he is particularly good at this skill. More importantly, his work experience taught him how to run a business and make key connections with suppliers and clients in the industry, which his secondary education never taught him. Mr. Malatesta first decided to become an entrepreneur in the 1980s; he realized that he wanted to broaden his possibilities by achieving the most he could in effort to provide his family with a comfortable living. He not only wanted to be his own boss, but reap all of the rewards and benefits of his hard work as part of becomingShow MoreRelatedï  ¶ Cost Benefit Analysis on the Construction of a Community Centre in Berekuso.8255 Words   |  34 Pagesother activities negatively, it will go a long way to engineer growth in the economy. Slums have sprung up in some of these towns and suburbs whose development has been neglected by the town planning authorities. If the area is a route to a major business centre as is the case of Jamestown in Accra, most workers get to their places of work mentally tired in addition to having lost valuable hours of productive work. One of the major causes of these imbalances in the society is the availability of aRead MoreOperation Management of a Garments Factory of Bangladesh11569 Words   |  47 Pagesthe employees/respondents, and year ending activities of many Departments, obtaining proper information is be very difficult. 1.7 Sources and Method The problem of this study is to analyze the needs of employee training and development programs to business success. This study is found out the training and development required in the corporate branch of concord group of companies. The objective of this paper is designed on the basis of the requirements. This report is organized into several sections:Read MoreNegotiation Techniques23003 Words   |  93 Pagesinto smaller groups. Meet privately. Call for meeting to end now and resume later, perhaps to give an opportunity for reflection. Negotiation Skills Introduction Negotiation is something that we do all the time and is not only used for business purposes. For example, we use it in our social lives perhaps for deciding a time to meet, or where to go on a rainy day. Negotiation is usually considered as a compromise to settle an argument or issue to benefit ourselves as much as possibleRead MoreCountry Note Book of China17054 Words   |  69 Pagesshape is being replaced by an inverse pyramid. The typical Chinese family today can be classified as â€Å"4-2-1†. â€Å"4† represents the parents and parents-in-law, â€Å"2† represents the husband and wife, and the â€Å"1† refers to the only child of the couple. The center of the family is on the â€Å"1†Ã¢â‚¬â€ the grandchild. 3. Dynamics of the family The roles adopted by the members of the family in Chinese society have been greatly influenced by religion. Social order and communalRead MoreTop 1 Cause for Project Failure65023 Words   |  261 Pagescreate a rocket? Because we want to go to the moon. If NASA would have only focussed on delivering rockets, they would never have reached the moon and probably had produced a great number of disasters while delivering or using those rockets. A Business Case focus, rather than only a delivery focus! (By the way off topic: this delivery approach for me also caused the current financial crisis. Only focussing on the deal, not on the long term effects.) All reasons summed up inRead MoreProject Mgmt296381 Words   |  1186 Pagesand Cases, Fifth Edition Seppanen, Kumar, and Chandra, Process Analysis and Improvement, First Edition Simchi-Levi, Kaminsky, and Simchi-Levi, Designing and Managing the Supply Chain: Concepts, Strategies, Case Studies, Third Edition Sterman, Business Dynamics: Systems Thinking and Modeling for Complex World, First Edition Stevenson, Operations Management, 10th Edition Swink, Melnyk, Cooper, and Hartley, Managing Operations Across the Supply Chain, First Edition Thomke, Managing Product and Service

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