Sunday, May 17, 2020

Future of Modernization - 710 Words

Future of Modernization SOC/120 May 4, 2013 University of Phoenix Future of Modernization Modernization in the United States has four traits which were identified by Peter Berger in 1977. The first trait was the decline of small, isolated communities. Approximately one hundred years ago there were 40% of Americans living in cities. Today, 80% of the population lives in cities. The next trait is the expansion of personal choice. Most people choose their lifestyles instead of allowing others to make that decision for them. The next trait is the rising amount of diversity in the United States. Interracial couples are more accepted now then it was even 20 years ago. The fourth trait is the orientation toward the future and a†¦show more content†¦Modernization is a worldwide trend, as countries such as Japan and China combine traditional and modern ways. In Japan they are advanced as far as technology, but there are still few women that are corporate executives and politicians. In China, contemporary socialist thinking are mixed with ancient Co nfucian principles. â€Å"What took decades or even centuries to transpire in the West has materialized in a matter of a decade or two in China† (The Pros and Cons of Modernization: Cancer in China, Bill Chameides, 2008). Other countries, such as Mexico and Saudi Arabia, struggle to move ahead economically because of the respect they have for their religious beliefs. † In short, although we may think of tradition and modernity as opposites, combinations of traditional and modern are far from unusual, and they are found throughout the world† (Society: The Basics, Eleventh Edition, by John J. Macionis, Ch 16, pg 495). The consequence of modernization is that normal traditions will disappear. Some fear this will dehumanize our society. Though modernization has been successful with diversifying our cultures, increasing our wealth, and expanding opportunities, the processes of transformation ultimately leaves people feeling insecure and dejected. The fear is that their jobs will be taken over by computers which ultimately will prevent them from providing for their families.Show MoreRelatedFuture of Modernization1108 Words   |  5 Pagespeople forward by building on foundations of traditions. When traditions are lost, modernization sets in. Modernization is when technology blends with culture and they exist together in a contemporary time period. The main issue with modernization is that it is a continuing cycle of innovations and change that never cease and force the loss of traditions. 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